Saturday 5 April 2014

What Goes Around

What Goes Around, Comes Around

The philosophic statement "What goes around, comes around" is frequently expressed among the folks I know, quite often with a knowing look and nod of the head and a "Did you know that so-and-so has done you-know-what to what's-his-name?" It's sort of a folksy warning for those who refuse to heed the wisdom of the golden rule. The golden rule, if there's anyone (young enough or from another culture) groping in the dark wondering what it is, states that you should do onto others that which you would want done onto you. And, if you follow this rule you hope good will come back your way. I suppose this is mostly a truism, at least I'd prefer to think so.

But this is a story of "Coming and Going Around" without the moral attachment, kind of the other side of the coin, and not about that so-and-so at all; it is more about good fortune as a result of coming and going around. There are several places in my world that feed that gleeful thrill of finding a bargain. One is a thrift shop in a fairly transient nearby community that receives many exceptionally desirable donations and sells them at quite reasonable prices. The other is the Happy Shack at our local transfer station (politically correct name for the dump). Second hand goods of possible value are deposited in the Happy Shack and picked up for free by the first person who sees and wants them. The good fortune that came my way was a "new" set of dishes, a complete service for 8 minus 2 large plates, purchased for $20at the thrift store, beautiful dishes, very earthy and to my style, a real score! But, because my cupboard space is limited, this meant that my old set had to go. So I boxed up my old set and off to the Happy Shack it went.

Two days later my friend Jannelle pushed the wrong speed dial button on her phone and was surprised that it was me answering, prepared as she was for Lora's voice and not mine. But she recovered quickly and naturally we got to talking for a bit. I was effusing about my fabulous find, asked if she'd seen the pic of my new dishes posted on Facebook and patting myself on the back for my efficient disposal of my old set. "Oh," said Jannelle, "you took dishes to the Happy Shack... they weren't blue were they? Oh my God!  I picked them up yesterday! Blue is my mom-in-law's favourite colour so I gave them to her!" So my old set made someone else as pleased as I was about my new old set, and Jannelle and I had a good laugh about those dishes. Like they say, one woman's garbage is another woman's treasure, and it's certainly nice when one treasure comes around and another goes around. 

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