Tuesday 17 July 2018

Traitor or Peacemaker?

Wow! Unbelievable! An American president taking the word of a Russian president and apparently turning his back on the witch hunt conducted by his own security services. An American president willing to sit down and talk with a Russian president, agree on some things, agree to disagree on others - how shocking is that? An American president willing to talk with North Korea as well! This just can’t be. He must be a traitor! 

Or should he be a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize?

You can’t say it didn’t take guts (some would say stupidity) to call America out in this way, to say, “Look America, Russia is not the enemy. Isn’t it time to put this election interference issue to bed?”

I am no supporter of President Trump. Readers who are on my personal FaceBook page* are well aware that my opinions differ greatly from his on practically everything. But Russia is not responsible for his win and Hillary’s loss. She and the Democratic party are responsible. Hillary Clinton lost the election because she was just another one of those “establishment” candidates (and a woman) and she simply did not appeal to voters who are sick and tired of the politically correct, lying through their teeth, sneaky politicians they’ve been dealing with for so long. So, instead of choosing Hillary, Americans voted for a rich reality star, a businessman with shady dealings, a misogynist, a climate change denier, a man with the vocabulary of a twelve year old and startlingly childlike behaviour. Why? Because they are sick and tired of the elite dynasties that have been in control for so long, because the rich have failed to allow enough wealth to trickle down to the peasants, because the not so rich are tired of being buried in broken promises. So they chose a man who was able to make himself appear to be “one of the ordinary guys”, even though he’s far from ordinary.

Did Russia, under the direction of its president, attempt to sway the election by trolling the internet with both true and false statements about Hillary? Doubtful. As an interested party, I frequently express opinions about American politics and I am not a US citizen. If I sway an American voter’s opinion am I interfering in their election? People choose who they want to listen to, who they want to believe. We are all inundated with both true and false information. We have to read between the lines, keep an open mind. Heaven knows there is not one single news outlet out there that has no bias. Canadian news is no different. They are delighting in this new shocking story - Trump a traitor!?  What a juicy bit of fodder to chew on until the sensation wears down and another story surfaces to spark our interest for awhile. This story should up the ratings! Advertisers will be pleased. 

Does the media influence voters? With their descriptive words and the stories they choose to air they most certainly do. Perhaps someday media will take responsibility for the awesome power they wield.

Russia is America’s traditional enemy, always has been, always will be. The “Russians have been coming” for a very long time. I’m not entirely sure why they are so frequently singled out, why saying anything good about Russia is tantamount to political and/or business suicide. The past is riddled with enemies who are now allies and trading partners, so the past should not be blamed. Having diametrically opposed opinions as to which regime should stay, which should go, and why, and what business is it of ours anyways, that should not single out a country to be an “enemy”.  A country with a nuclear arsenal? Maybe it would be better if that country were a friend. But no, Russia bashing is so prevalent in American society that I wouldn’t be surprised if they were somehow blamed for the failure of Grandma Fiona’s tea cake recipe!

As much as I barely tolerate the current US president, his policies and the people he has chosen to work closely with, this time I feel I should say, “Thumbs up. Good on you President Trump.”

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