Wednesday 23 September 2015

FaceBook - Not FactBook

     Social media is a misnomer. It should be called Gossip Cache, Rumour Haven, Tattler's Bin or something that at least better describes its function. FaceBook is not FactBook and it can be damaging. Don't get me wrong though, I don't think it's all bad, actually I'm kinda hooked. Social media keeps folks in contact, informs people of events. It has helped to open the eyes of many people to the disparities of human existence in our world. It is partly responsible for and actually aided revolutions in countries that had, and often still have, cruel and corrupt regimes. It has made the world a much smaller place. Sometimes I wonder if that's a good thing. But Pandora's Box is open. There's no turning back.

      I am annoyed though with the "information" aspect of social media, e-mail and on-line news. How in the world does anyone find the truth when truth is obviously so subjective?

     This political campaign in Canada - wow! All parties slamming the others. My mind is screaming for some positive input. I've made no secret of where my political affiliations lie, and I too have liked and/or shared many political rants, cartoons, etc. supporting my negative view of Harper's Canada. But I got a post the other day that really says it all. These political posts are speaking to the decided. They're not changing anyone's mind or helping the undecided. And on top of that, it's almost like friends are becoming non-friends over this election. Hey, you know all those things we had in common that made us friends in the first place? They're still there! No more on-line politicking for me.

     And beyond the election -  I've seen posts on FaceBook that create fear, demonize, slander or mislead, and when I fact checked them they turned out to be totally untrue. Yet, because these posts fall into place with someone's view of the world they are liked and shared, and the lies go on and on.

     I've heard "news" that is so out to lunch that any thinking person would find it laughable, yet there are people out there, way too many people, who suck this trash up like a sponge. Why, because it feeds their fears and biases.

     I've heard what should be trusted media use terminology that creates bias - wording that unconsciously determines our thinking.

     I'm tired of religious beliefs that create suspicion and hate for people who do not share that particular religion's views. And I'm really tired of so-called Christians acting so darn un-Christian, setting themselves apart, believing they are God's chosen ones to the exclusion of all others. How do they differ from their Muslim counterparts in this? How can anyone think there is a god who would condone such behaviour?

     We are unconsciously or consciously creating hate, fearing difference, demonizing other countries, religions, and political systems while at the same time failing to fact check or choosing to ignore inconvenient bits of information that don't support our views. We are creating a climate for yet another war. We're getting all riled up, learning to hate THEM, you know, those weird people who are not like us. Profiteers are licking their chops in anticipation. Ask yourself, who profits, who suffers, who wins?

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