Monday 6 July 2015

Mysterious Critter Nest

This is (was) my clothepin bag. For the past couple of weeks every time I've gone outside to hang clothes on the line I've found my pins buried in sticks.  The bag hangs about 3 or 3 1/2 feet off the ground.  One day I removed all the sticks, tossed them on the ground but left my clothes carrying bag hung near-by, planning to retrieve the clothes that day as soon as they were dry. I didn't get there till the next day and there they were, all the sticks, in my carry bag. So, once again I dumped the sticks.  This has continued to happen often enough to become a pain in the you know what, so I decided to remove all my clothes pins, put them in a closed bag, and I've left this critter home as is to wait and see if it actually gets used. The whole thing seems odd to me because my clothes line is a high traffic area in the summer and the bag is so near the ground.

Does anyone know what bird or critter would build such a nest?

1 comment:

  1. I found another similar nest in my garden shed and inadvertantly caused a great deal of caos for the little birdies within. I hope they survive. I saw the mother bird. I think it was a Nuthatch.
