Tuesday 22 July 2014

A Series of Questions

When will we ever learn?

What ever happened to unbiased media reporting

When did news reporting become headline grabbing sensationalism

How can a person trust the news when it is so obviously slanted

How can politicians in any country be trusted when they jump to convenient conclusions prior to getting the facts

How can blame for any act of terror be placed on the country that supplied the weapons when every major country in the world profits from the sale of armaments

Why must countries meddle in the politics of other countries, taking both overt and covert action to further their own agenda

Why can't an embargo be placed on the arms dealers who supply weapons of war to anyone who will pay

Why can't we realize that there's more than one side to every story, not just the side that promotes our own economy or ideology

Why do we promote endless war

When will we understand that God isn't on any country's side

How often have we discovered, years later, that we supported the wrong side of a conflict?

Must history always repeat itself?

Why can't we figure out that violence begets violence, that nothing will ever be solved by violence

Is there any hope for the future of the human race

When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn???? 

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