Our government representatives flew off recently to luxurious hotels under tight security to figure out what to do about global warming, setting targets for lowering emissions. Quite often we as ordinary citizens get hit in the pocket to "encourage" us to curb our use of fossil fuels - applying carbon taxes which increase the cost of nearly everything and help to fill diminishing government revenue coffers. But there's a few hidden demons contributing to global warming we seem reluctant to address. Perhaps these subjects are politically incorrect. But, taboo or not, all three are huge contributors to global warming. These three things are fed by greed and privilege, ignorance, and sometimes by religion. Unless it is possible to alter basic human nature, we may be on a hopeless quest.
Polution in Taiwan (Wikipedia) |
"Overpopulation occurs when a population of a species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche" (Wikipedia). When any group of living beings overpopulates to the extent that the resources they require, or think they require, to sustain life are seriously depleted, they tend to fall first into chaos, then into extinction. Population control is a sensitive issue, some consider it their right or need to have many children - too many. This planet has finite resources and only so much livable land. With desertification and rising ocean water more land is becoming inhabitable. Even though we are very clever, even ingenious, there is a limit to the population Earth can support. There are some population controls already in place - disease, starvation, war - but it seems to me that family planning would be preferable to these other methods!
The global economy requires transport - by plane or ship. The further away our goods are manufactured or grown, the larger the cost to the environment. To increase the bottom line, companies manufacture goods all over the world, shipping them to their final destinations in marketplaces where they finally reach the hands of the consumers. Foods are shipped from far away places to grace our dinner tables. Is all of this necessary? It seems to me that we in the first world nations have moved way beyond necessary, often at the expense of third world countries who cannot afford to say no to lousy environmental practices. As long as we are insatiable consumers of products produced all over the world we will continue to feed the global warming process, not only with by-products of the production process, but also with our means of transporting these goods to market.
Container ships passing one another (Wikipedia) |
"Today, about 90% of non-bulk cargo worldwide is transported by container...Container ships now rival crude oil tankers and bulk carriers as the largest commercial vessels on the ocean" (Wikipedia)
Then there's world travel. We fly or sail off to exotic destinations for holidays. No one thinks a thing about hopping a plane to go see relatives across the country, across the ocean. Our government representatives fly all over the world to confer with other governments. But excessive individual use of plane and ship transport pales in comparison to that of the military.
War machines use more fossil fuels, pollute more than people living their ordinary daily lives ever thought of. I wrote a blog about the use of fossil fuels by machines of war - Bummed Out Over the 4R's - that was published April 25, 2014. Check out some of the frightening statistics in that blog. Why was I bummed out? Because no matter how much we do on an individual basis it's likely it will make little difference.
"A B-52 bomber gulps down 86 barrels of fuel per hour. F-4 Phantom fighter/bombers devour 40 barrels per hour. At peak thrust, F-15 fighters burn 25 gallons per minute. An F-16 jet on a training mission ignites more fuel in a single hour than the average car owner consumes in two years. The biggest gas-hogs in the Pentagon’s arsenal are the Navy’s non-nuclear aircraft carriers that burn 134 barrels per hour and battleships which consume 68 barrels per hour. At its top speed of 25 knots, the USS Independence (a 1070-foot-long aircraft carrier with 4.1 acres of flight deck and a crew of 2300) consumes 150,000 gallons of fuel a day ... Simply 'standing by' in the Gulf, the carrier must still consume oil at a voracious pace in order to purify 380,000 gallons of fresh water daily and produce enough electricity to power the equivalent of a city of 40,000 people. Under standard conditions the Army’s M-1 Abrams tank gets eight gallons per mile. In the heat of battle, however, the M-1 Abrams tank can eat up seven barrels — 252 gallons (based on 36 British Imperial gallons per barrel) — per hour."
As long as we continue to have wars, how can we hope to make even a dent in the process of cleaning up our environment, of slowing global warming rather than accelerating it?"
Do I have answers to these problems? Well, don't have any more than 2 children. Buy goods produced locally, especially food, or at least within your own country. Put an end to war. It has and never will solve anything.
Are my answers reasonable? I think so. Possible? Not unless the vast majority of human beings change the way they think. Remember greed, privilege, ignorance, religion? Once AGAIN I'm feeling bummed out. Perhaps we are not intelligent or ingenious, maybe we have a built-in terminator gene. But, so far, we can still live a pretty good life here in Canada, and we can only do what we can do. Buy Canadian! Advocate for peace. Do what we can to lessen our own environmental footprint. Like Bhutan, make our GNP happiness! Happiness is achievable with less, much much less, material wealth.